A musical drama that tells the story of a family man, Milo, who struggles to meet his family’s growing needs. His desire for prosperity jeopardizes his family’s unity and has unexpected results. Milo’s wife Teresa, and teenage daughter, Lydia find themselves having to cope with Milo’s old fashion ideas, while his no nonsense sister, Hattie keeps it real as only a sibling can.
Performed by a local performing arts theater group
"The Eagle Stirs Her Nest" tells the story of a family man, Milo, who dreams of success and prosperity. Combined with his old fashion beliefs about women working, it all has an adverse affect on his family.
2016 was the last performance at THEARC Theater in Washington, DC. and has been presented through the DMV area, in churches, schools, college campuses, and major theaters, including the National Theater in Washington, DC as part of the Monday Night at the National series.
"Secrets of the Butterfly Club" gives a behind the scenes look at five ministry families. If you have ever wondered what life is like in the home of church leaders, this play allows you to be a fly on the wall giving you a sneak peak into the personal lives of ministry families.
Angel Drooped His Wings Down" takes you through a historic journey of events that happened in the life of a family matriarch who lived to be 102 years old. It reveals a glimpse of black life in America in teh 20th Century.
"Seventy-Five Dollars" is the story of a young girl from rural Mississippi having lost her mother is raised by her maternal grandmother has her childhood dream snatched away from her. In this play you will experience the joy and the pain that a $75 difference made of life as this tenacious young girl.
"The Downward Road" tells the story of Paula, a young woman coming into her own determined to live life on her own terms. She soon learns that life's decisions can lead to unexpected results. Currently being developed into a trilogy.
"I Thank God for That" is a one act play where three female slaves try to enjoy a moment of rest only to have their conversation turn into a debate right, wrong, hope, and thankgiving.
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